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Hearts Don't Have to Beat

In the story First Person Shooter we are induced to the zombie women after finding her shopping to get ready for what the narrator and main character believe to be a date. Now assuming that he was right and that this is what the zombie was shopping for and since we don't have much to disprove this assumption. We are then left with a question that we are given any background or knowledge about and that is, who is the zombie woman going on a date with? First, we need to narrow our options by making an assortment of categories consisting of the combinations of Human or non-human, First date, or existing relationship. This is because these are the most important traits to look into and to be considered about and nothing else, including the exact identity, really matters. The first step into determining the answer of any of these is to figure out whether or not the woman is fully consciously aware of the fact she is a zombie. This is quite easy to answer as yes because of how her ac...

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